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Mind Body Psychiatry Blog

Learn more about psychiatry care in our blog!

What to do about the winter blues

Sometimes depression symptoms can have a seasonal pattern. Often, mood symptoms can worsen during the fall and winter months likely due...

Navigating Postpartum Anxiety: A Guide for New Parents

As a new parent, you may be experiencing a range of emotions, including joy, excitement, and love for your new baby. However, you may...

5 Natural ways to reduce stress

Move Regular physical activity triggers release of endorphins and other molecules which reduce stress. Aim for at least 150 minutes or...

7 Strategies to Improve Sleep

Sleep has increasingly been recognized as important for both physical and mental health. Poor sleep is linked with psychiatric disorders including mood disorders and anxiety as well as physical disorders such as hypertension and obesity...

Managing Peripartum and Postpartum Anxiety: A Guide to Available Treatments

Peripartum and postpartum anxiety are common, yet often overlooked, conditions that can affect women during pregnancy and after giving...

Navigating Postpartum Anxiety: Signs and Risk Factors from a Perinatal Psychiatrist

Postpartum anxiety is a common, yet often overlooked, condition that can affect women after giving birth. As a perinatal psychiatrist, I...

Movement that lifts mood

If you're dealing with depression, you know how tough it can be to get through the day. But did you know that exercise can actually help...

Depression in Pregnancy and Postpartum: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be exciting and joyful times for many people, but for others, these experiences can be marked by...

Nutritional interventions for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children and adults. It...